IRIX Base Documentation 2001 May
SGI IRIX Base Documentation 2001 May.iso
Text File
331 lines
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5. _K_n_o_w_n__P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s__a_n_d__W_o_r_k_a_r_o_u_n_d_s
This chapter describes the known problems with the current
release of the IRIS InSight products and how to work around
5.1 _I_R_I_S__I_n_S_i_g_h_t__L_i_b_r_a_r_y
+o Some glossary terms (underlined; or blue, italicized
terms in the content) might be missing from the
Glossary. When you click on such a term, the viewer
may beep, indicating a warning that the term was not
+o Make sure the (global) InSight glossary book is
installed (_i_n_s_i_g_h_t__g_l_o_s_s._b_o_o_k_s._g_l_o_b_a_l) either locally;
or if you are accessing the InSight Library from a
remote machine, on that particular machine/server.
5.2 _I_R_I_S__I_n_S_i_g_h_t__V_i_e_w_e_r
+o It has been found that the old _i_n_f_o_n_a_v._s_w._b_a_s_e
subsystem, part of the original _S_u_p_p_o_r_t_f_o_l_i_o release,
is incompatible and conflicts with this version of
insight and insight_base. For that reason, it (the
_i_n_f_o_n_a_v product) should be removed from the system
prior to installation. The problem will manifest
itself in the inability to read the online books.
+o Proximity searching does not function in Japanese books
since the current proximity algorithm is based on space
delimited words and Japanese words may not be space
+o In boolean searches using two or more words, only the
first word will be highlighted in the text.
+o Expanding a search using wildcards may highlight
improper characters in the text.
+o After installing a new version of the viewer, you
should remove any local defaults that may have been
left around by previous versions. To do this, give
this command before executing IRIS InSight for the
first time after an installation:
%%%% rrrrmmmm ~~~~////....iiiinnnnssssiiiigggghhhhttttrrrrcccc
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+o Scrolling in the viewer may seem "jumpy" due to the
rendering of images inline. A workaround is to use the
line up and line down buttons in the scroll bar, or the
<Page Up> and <Page Down> buttons on the keyboard.
Another alternative is to use the "Settings..." option
from the Options menu and click on "Figures/Media In-
line?" to not include figures inline.
+o If the IRIS InSight viewer is running and a new book or
set of books are installed, IRIS InSight will not
immediately "see" and utilize the new content. In order
for IRIS InSight to view the newly-installed book(s),
close and restart the IRIS InSight application.
+o Occasionally, the book viewer window might be narrower
than required to display the full width of a table (or
other in-line object). A warning message:
YYYYoooouuuurrrr wwwwiiiinnnnddddoooowwww iiiissss ttttoooooooo nnnnaaaarrrrrrrroooowwww ffffoooorrrr tttthhhhiiiissss vvvviiiieeeewwww....
PPPPlllleeeeaaaasssseeee rrrreeeessssiiiizzzzeeee tttthhhheeee wwwwiiiiddddtttthhhh ooooffff tttthhhheeee vvvviiiieeeewwwwiiiinnnngggg aaaarrrreeeeaaaa....
might be generated to the window. This is not harmful;
simply widen the window to view the entire object.
+o Make sure that when printing you select one or more
entries in the Print Window Table-of-Contents area.
+o Printing portions of a book (or a whole book) with
graphics included can often take a substantial period
of time. You may wish to consider printing without
including graphics. From the Print Window, click on
"Print Graphics?" to not include graphics in the
printed output.
+o For Systems Administrators, it should be noted that the
directory /_v_a_r/_s_h_a_r_e/_I_n_s_i_g_h_t/_e_b_t_p_u_b is installed as an
``open'' directory, with the permissions being set to
777. This area is used to store an Insight user's
bookmarks. Note that this area can be changed through
the modification of the PUBLIC_DIR and PRIVATE_DIR
variables found in the IRIS InSight system
configuration file,
+o The following is a suggestion to speed navigation for
some users. This is simply done by mapping a couple of
keystrokes to specific scrolling actions. For example,
the Return Key is used to move down a line in the
Insight window, and the Space Bar is used to move down
a page. To do this, these lines go in your .Xdefaults
or app-defaults file:
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_I_n_s_i_g_h_t*_X_m_S_c_r_o_l_l_B_a_r._t_r_a_n_s_l_a_t_i_o_n_s: #_o_v_e_r_r_i_d_e \
5.3 _S_G_I_H_e_l_p__V_i_e_w_e_r
+o If the SGIHelp is not installed on the user's machine
when a request is made for Help, you will receive the
following warning message:
SSSSGGGGIIIIHHHHeeeellllpppp sssseeeerrrrvvvveeeerrrr pppprrrrooooggggrrrraaaammmm ((((////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////ssssggggiiiihhhheeeellllpppp)))) nnnnooootttt ffffoooouuuunnnndddd....
PPPPlllleeeeaaaasssseeee iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll iiiinnnnssssiiiigggghhhhtttt....sssswwww....ssssggggiiiihhhheeeellllpppp aaaannnndddd ttttrrrryyyy aaaaggggaaaaiiiinnnn....
Installing the insight.sw.sgihelp subsystem will remedy
the problem.
+o Occasionally, when a help request is made from an
application, an informational message may come from the
SGIHelp process:
SSSSoooorrrrrrrryyyy,,,, iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn oooonnnn tttthhhheeee rrrreeeeqqqquuuueeeesssstttteeeedddd hhhheeeellllpppp ttttooooppppiiiicccc iiiissss nnnnooootttt aaaavvvvaaaaiiiillllaaaabbbblllleeee....
YYYYoooouuuu nnnneeeeeeeedddd ttttoooo iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll cccceeeerrrrttttaaaaiiiinnnn IIIIRRRRIIIISSSS IIIInnnnSSSSiiiigggghhhhtttt bbbbooooooookkkkssss.... FFFFoooorrrr tttthhhheeee pppprrrroooodddduuuucccctttt yyyyoooouuuu
aaaarrrreeee rrrreeeeqqqquuuueeeessssttttiiiinnnngggg hhhheeeellllpppp oooonnnn,,,, yyyyoooouuuu nnnneeeeeeeedddd ttttoooo iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll tttthhhheeee bbbbooooooookkkk((((ssss)))) iiiinnnn tttthhhheeeesssseeee
ssssuuuubbbbssssyyyysssstttteeeemmmm((((ssss)))):::: <<<<<<<<bbbbooooooookkkk____nnnnaaaammmmeeee>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<bbbbooooooookkkk____ssssuuuubbbbssssyyyysssstttteeeemmmm>>>>>>>>
This message indicates that the Help content for this
application has not been installed. Refer to the the
"Installation Information" found in this document, or
refer to the release notes for the application that you
wish to receive help on, for further information.
+o If the on-line books are being mounted from another
source, and are not installed locally, the directory
/usr/share/help should also be mounted (or copied) from
the same source. This directory contains application
helpmap files which aid SGIHelp in determining what
information to display for a given help request.
+o When mounting IRIS InSight books, be aware that SGIHelp
looks for books under two specific locations. One is
the default /usr/share/Insight/library/SGI_bookshelves,
which should contain the English version of all
available books. The other is the international setting
of /usr/share/Insight/library/<locale>_bookshelves,
where <locale> is the value of the LANG environment
setting. In the case where LANG is set, SGIHelp will
look first under the <locale>_bookshelves area, and if
the requested localized help information is not found,
it will fall back to the default (SGI_bookshelves) and
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examine the English books.
+o The SGIHelp process itself will tell the user if
content is unavailable. Upon receiving a request, it
will start up (if not already running), and display the
CCCCaaaannnnnnnnooootttt ffffiiiinnnndddd aaaannnnyyyy bbbbooooooookkkkssss ttttoooo rrrreeeeaaaadddd!!!! EEEExxxxiiiittttiiiinnnngggg............
Re-mounting the file system off the CD-ROM (or server)
from which you were accessing content and making
another help request from an application should remedy
this. The alternative is to install the applicable IRIS
Insight books on your hard disk.
Refer to the "Installation Information" found in this
document, or to the release notes for the application
that you wish to receive help on, for further
+o Under IRIX 6.2, when starting the sgihelp process or
the desktophelp executable from the command-line
(shell), the following warning messages may be
displayed in the shell or console window:
WWWWaaaarrrrnnnniiiinnnngggg:::: CCCCoooouuuulllldddd nnnnooootttt ffffiiiinnnndddd SSSScccchhhheeeemmmmeeee ffffiiiilllleeee:::: IIIImmmmddddPPPPaaaalllleeeetttttttteeee
WWWWaaaarrrrnnnniiiinnnngggg:::: CCCCoooouuuulllldddd nnnnooootttt ffffiiiinnnndddd SSSScccchhhheeeemmmmeeee ffffiiiilllleeee:::: IIIImmmmddddSSSSppppeeeecccc
These messages are harmless and can be safely ignored.
+o The "Stop" button on the SGIHelp viewer is only
activate when loading a web-based (or local HTML) help
5.4 _S_G_I_H_e_l_p__D_e_v_e_l_o_p_m_e_n_t__(_s_g_i_h_e_l_p___d_e_v_)
+o In order to avoid a potential problem in accessing the
first available help card in your help book, you may
wish to put in a copyright notice as the first card
when you are authoring your book. That particular card
does not have to be accessible by the interface; it
basically acts as a filler to avoid a potential
Here is a recommended template for the copyright
notice, which would appear directly after the <DOCHELP>
opening tag:
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CCCCooooppppyyyyrrrriiiigggghhhhtttt 1111999999998888,,,, """"yyyyoooouuuurrrr____ccccoooommmmppppaaaannnnyyyy"""" ---- AAAAllllllll RRRRiiiigggghhhhttttssss RRRReeeesssseeeerrrrvvvveeeedddd
TTTThhhhiiiissss ddddooooccccuuuummmmeeeennnntttt ccccoooonnnnttttaaaaiiiinnnnssss pppprrrroooopppprrrriiiieeeettttaaaarrrryyyy aaaannnndddd ccccoooonnnnffffiiiiddddeeeennnnttttiiiiaaaallll iiiinnnnffffoooorrrrmmmmaaaattttiiiioooonnnn ooooffff
""""yyyyoooouuuurrrr____ccccoooommmmppppaaaannnnyyyy"""".... TTTThhhheeee ccccoooonnnntttteeeennnnttttssss ooooffff tttthhhhiiiissss ddddooooccccuuuummmmeeeennnntttt mmmmaaaayyyy nnnnooootttt bbbbeeee ddddiiiisssscccclllloooosssseeeedddd
ttttoooo tttthhhhiiiirrrrdddd ppppaaaarrrrttttiiiieeeessss,,,, ccccooooppppiiiieeeedddd,,,, oooorrrr dddduuuupppplllliiiiccccaaaatttteeeedddd iiiinnnn aaaannnnyyyy ffffoooorrrrmmmm,,,, iiiinnnn wwwwhhhhoooolllleeee oooorrrr
iiiinnnn ppppaaaarrrrtttt,,,, wwwwiiiitttthhhhoooouuuutttt tttthhhheeee pppprrrriiiioooorrrr wwwwrrrriiiitttttttteeeennnn ppppeeeerrrrmmmmiiiissssssssiiiioooonnnn ooooffff """"yyyyoooouuuurrrr____ccccoooommmmppppaaaannnnyyyy""""....
+o The insight.sw.xhelp_dev subsystem requires dev.sw.make
and inst_dev.sw.base which are available via the IDO
product. These are not specified as pre-req's since
not all user's will have IDO. However, they are only
required for the ``smake'' and ``gendist'' utilities
for making and building the help images. Changing the
reference from ``smake'' to ``make'' in the Makefile's
should allow user's to build the sample books.